In the beginning…
The building of the facilities began in 1981 to be completed and ready for classes in 1982. Officially opened on 15 January 1982, students were welcomed into classes on 25 January 1982. Our first Principal was Mr John Mahony.
The 80s
It was the time of Hawke and Keating, Kylie and INXS, the America’s
Cup, the Bicentenary and World Expo ’88. A time when TVs favourite was
Young Talent Time and movies like The Breakfast Club and Dirty Dancing
were watched. The radio played hits like Crazy Little Thing Called Love
by Queen and Land Down Under by Men at Work. Shoulder pads, leg warmers
and parachute pants were worn, and who could forget the Mullet hair
The 80s were also a new beginning for Albany Creek State High School,
opening its gates in January 1982 for Year 8 and Year 9 students. Work
Experience for Year 10 students began in 1984, with 122 placements. Also
the school staged its very first musical production of The Boyfriend.
New buildings were erected, and the school oval was completed and ready
for use in 1985. This was also the year of the first Year 12 cohort.
The 80s saw the establishment of school culture and events, such as
senior investiture, awards nights, swimming and athletics carnivals, the
SRC and senior Prefects, instrumental music, debating, work experience,
school camps and much more. During the bicentennial year a time capsule
was created and placed outside the Administration block. And, of
course, the annual school magazine, Axiom was published.
The early 90s (1990–1994)
Albany Creek State High School entered its second 10 years, it was
growing in enrolments as well as physically and culturally. Facilities
were enhanced with four fully operational science laboratories, a
Business Education Centre with 25 Apple Macintosh computers, a new block
of classrooms (Q Block) for maths and an outdoor workshop at the end of
F Block to enable students to participate in activities such as
concreting, paving and bricklaying.
Students were able to participate in a host of extra curricula
activities that were designed to educate as well as develop the
individual person. Such activities included Maths and Science
competitions, Year 8 and Year 11 camps, Japanese Home Stay program,
Mobile Cup Netball, Commonwealth Bank Cup Rugby League, Tournament of
Minds, the annual Snow Trip, Instrumental Band Tour, Debating
competitions, the Sharemarket Game, and, of course, the school musical
productions; Guys ‘n Dolls and Little Shop of Horrors.
The welfare of students and community support by the students were
directed through several groups run by the students, with the support of
staff. Such groups included the Student Representative Council, the
Student Support Group, the PR Committee, the Ronald McDonald House
support group, ISCF (Inter School Christian Fellowship), and the school
radio station, known as FM Yop.
School and growing in the 90s was a world away from what it is now –
for one thing we did not have the internet (gasp!) and our version of
Netflix entailed physically driving to a mystical dwelling known as a
“Video Shop”. Parents could pay for things using paper money (aka “a
cheque”), mobile phones were reserved for the rich and famous, and you
were considered the height of fashionable if you owned a Snap Bangle. A
few shared visions of school days past …

The late 90s (1995–1999)
The late 90s continued to see the school facilities expand to cater
for the growing school population without detracting from the wonderful
bush setting the school was so lucky to have.
The addition of a new teaching block, towards the back of the school
was named R Block. Also, the multi purpose centre (MPC) was enclosed,
the inside walls were cladded and a sprung timber floor was added, along
with the addition of a removable stage. This allowed for sports such as
netball, volleyball and basketball to be played indoors, and also gave
the school a space for functions and events, such as concerts, musicals,
pre formals, sportsperson dinners and fully seated whole school
assemblies. ‘The Grove’ was constructed by students, staff and community
members and was located in the front of the school where the Performing
Arts Centre now stands. This space was created as a special seating
area, a memorial space, initially dedicated to two students, Tim Perret
and Julia Fox, who left us all too soon. This memorial space was
incorporated into the Performing Arts Centre when it was constructed.
This era of school life saw some events that would go on to become
traditional in the school calendar. These included the annual Student
Talent Quest, the annual Fashion Parade, and the SRC breakfast for the
Year 12 students on the mornings of their QCS Test/Core Skills Test.
Also the SRC launched their infamous Valentines Day fundraiser,
delivering chocolates and roses to lovestruck students.
Still continuing, were a host of extra curricular activities that
were designed to educate as well as develop the individual person. Such
activities included debating and public speaking competitions, authors
circle and Book Week, Maths and Science competitions, Year 8 and Year 11
camps, Mobile Cup Netball, the annual disco, Tournament of Minds, the
annual Snow Trip, Instrumental Band Tour, Australian Schools Computer
Studies Competitions, and, of course, the school musical productions;
Sheerluck Holmes, Man of Steel and Bye, Bye Birdie.
And outside school who remembers …..
Movies – Boogie Nights, Fight Club, American Pie, Batman Forever,
Jumanji, Austin Powers, Titanic, The Matrix and The Sixth Sense.
Music – Zombie, the Cranberries; Wannabe, Spice Girls; Barbie Girl,
Aqua; Freak, Silverchair; Pretty Fly, The Offspring; Absolutely
Everybody, Vanessa Amorosi; Mambo No. 5, Lou Bega.
Other – Prime Ministers were Paul Keating and John Howard, Queensland
Premiers were Wayne Goss, Bob Borbidge and Peter Beattie, One Nation
Party was formed, Telecom became Telstra, Pay TV commenced in Australia
with Galaxy launching its first channel.
Did you know …
Two Albany Creek State High School traditions were begun in the very
first year of 1982. These were the school badge and the annual school
magazine 'Axiom'. Both of which are very much still part of the school’s
being today.
Do you know though from where they started …
Well, in their own words, directly from the very first publication of
the Axiom, is the inspiration and beginnings of these two iconic school

The Early 2000s (2000-2004)
The new millennium arrived and the world did not end. In fact the
school continued to grow. One long standing Principal retired and a new
Principal began. S Block, T Block and U Block came into use and M Block
underwent refurbishment. A school Chaplain was appointed, and the first
Open Day was held (as opposed to a night event).
And outside school who remembers …..
Movies – Gladiator, Blood Diamond, Donnie Darko, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, Finding Nemo
Music – With Arms Wide Open, Creed; It Wasn’t Me, Shaggy; Lose Yourself, Eminem; Bootylicious, Destiny’s Child.
The Early Teenies (2010-2015)
The start of a new decade saw some changes to our education, with the introduction of the Australian Curriculum and 1-1 laptop program. Both initiatives were embraced by both students and staff to enhance improved educational outcomes. Facility additions included a Performing Arts Centre and a new building (W Block), to house the Special Education Program. Students continued to be involved in a number of programs and activities both inside and outside the classroom such as The Maryborough Technology Challenge, Operation Christmas Child, Primary school partnerships – Robotics Days of Excellence, GBS, Pancake Friday and dance night.
What else was happening? Australia saw three Prime Ministers. Julia Gillard was the first female Prime Minister of Australia; she was followed by Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott. Retail fashion shops Zara and Topshop opened their doors in Australia and who could forget the fashion trends of the time like, tiny eyewear, harem pants and flower crowns.
Of course, we were entertained by movies such as The Social Network, Bridesmaids, The Avengers and John Wick …. And artists like Lady Gaga, Usher, LMFAO, Goyte, Taylor Swift and Black-Eyed Peas were making the music charts.
Yes, the Teenies had begun - do you remember what you were doing?